How to whisper or privately chat in Roblox

Roblox is an interactive online platform used by many online gamers. Like any other online game, it also has a chat room platform where players can chat or send private messages to each other. This way, you can make new friends from any part of the world with a button click.

In Roblox, private messages are called whispers and are only visible to the sender and the receiver, ensuring privacy between the two. Would you like to send messages to other online players in Roblox?

In that case, this article will guide you on how to send a private message in Roblox. 

How to whisper with someone in a Roblox Game

IF you are in a multiplayer game and what to whisper to someone within the game, use the game-wide chatbox but add these steps to make your chat private

  • Select and play the Roblox game of your choice.
  • Click on the text field in the chatbox on the upper left side of the screen. You can also choose to press ‘/’ on your keyboard. If you are playing on Xbox, you can open the chat box by pressing the View button on your Xbox controller and moving the left stick over the chat bar until it is highlighted.

whispering in roblox

  • Type ‘/w’ or ‘/whisper’ followed by a space and the player’s username you want to chat with.
  • When you type the player’s name on the chatbox and hit space, it will be auto-filled in brackets with a ‘To’ before the name in purple. When the name is typed, press enter.

whispering to a player roblox

  • Once completed, a message will notify you that you are privately chatting with the player you selected.
  • All left is to type the message and press enter to send it.

Alternatively, you can scroll through the chat for the player’s username you want to send the message. Click on their name and then type your message when [Tousername] appears on the text field.

Note that this method works for most games, not all of them. Some games have a custom chat feature that disables the whisper feature.

The whisper feature also works when chatting with a player in the same game. If you want to chat with a player outside the game, you need to add them as a friend first and have them accept it.

How to privately chat with someone outside your game in Roblox

Here are the steps on how to whisper to someone in Roblox. If you are a beginner with no friends, the chat interface will be inactive, prompting you to find people before you can initiate chats:

roblox chat with no friends

  • Otherwise, you can search for the name of the player that you want to chat with using the search box at the top of the chat box.
  • If they are your friend on Roblox, you will get the option to chat them up.chats in Roblox

You can still message people who are not your friends – as long as they accept messages from people they haven’t connected with. To do this, you will have to:

  • Use the global search field on Roblox to look for the player’s name

searching for someone to message

  • Select the ‘In People’ search suggestion. This will bring you a list of people with the username you searched
  • Identify the one you are looking for and click on their name to launch their profile page

message greyed out roblox

  • If the player accepts messages from ‘strangers’, the ‘Message’ button will be active. If it isn’t you will have to add them as a friend to chat them up