20 best weapons in Fallout Shelter

Having the best weapons in Fallout Shelter is extremely important. Considering it’s an action-packed mobile game, the right arsenal would help you and the dwellers win battles against tough enemies, complete missions,  and progress. Now, out of the 100 plus weapons available, we want to help you identify the top 20.

Read the full breakdown below to understand the different weapons and their strengths in battle, plus, how to get the best weapons in Fallout Shelter.

1. Dragon’s Maw

Dragon's Maw

Average damage: 25.5

Dragon’s Maw is a legendary Fallout Shelter weapon that came with the 1.4 updates. It’s a unique variant of the Plasma Thrower and uses Microfusion cells as its main source of energy. The plasma, drawn from different cartridges, is drawn as a toroid, ejected through the barrel, and fired at enemies.

This weapon is perfect for fighting enemies with high energy resistance like Deathclaws. It causes a high percentage of damage consistently. You should give it to dwellers exploring the wasteland.

Unfortunately, its single-shot feature causes it to overkill downed enemies instead of moving to the next enemy without reloading.

To craft the Dragon’s Maw, you need a high-strength dweller and a combination of 3 globes, 3 military circuit boards, 3 chemistry flasks, 22,050 bottle caps, a weapon plant, and a legendary weapon recipe.

READ: How to craft weapons in Fallout Shelter

2. Vengeance

Vengeance Fallout 3

Average damage: 23.5

Second, on the list of best weapons in Fallout Shelter is Vengeance—a rare automatic laser weapon with a large ammunition capacity. It’s the most powerful Gatling laser available in the game. It uses charge packs which make it very lethal. Other admirable features are high speed, efficiency, and gameplay durability. This weapon can single-handedly wipe out all your enemies.

Unlike Dragon’s Maw, it deals damage in multiple shots and can easily move to the next enemy once the original enemy is down. So, you don’t have to worry about the wastage of ammunition.

Vengeance’s aesthetics are also unique and make it stand out from the others on the list.

You can find Vengeance by simply exploring the wasteland, in lunchboxes, or through crafting. The crafting requires a high-strength dweller, weapon plant, legendary weapon recipe, and 21,500 caps. The materials include 5 microscopes, 3 military circuit boards, and 2 Giddyup Buttercups.

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MIRV fallout

Average damage: 24.5

If you need a weapon to decimate an entire group of raiders or higher enemies, get the MIRV. It’s a variant of the Fat Man that fires mini-nukes. It even has its unique animation.

The high damage rate of both the targeted and nearby enemies results from the radiation from the nukes. This is a weapon that you should only use when necessary. Its only drawback is that it has a slow firing rate. However, you can solve that by pairing it with faster weapons like Vengeance.

You can find MIRV in lunchboxes or craft it in a weapon workshop. For the latter, you’ll need a high strength characteristic, a legendary weapon recipe, 22,050 caps, and the following materials: 3 chemistry flasks, 3 military duct tapes, and 3 shovels.

4. Fire hydrant bat

Fire hydrant bat fallout

Average damage: 25

As absurd as it looks, the fire hydrant bat is the best melee weapon in Fallout Shelter. Currently, it holds the record for the highest damage of all the weapons. That’s why its average is up there with Dragon’s Maw’s. It’s mainly used for solo quests and combats. The only challenge is that dwellers who use it tend to ignore enemies that have been hit already.

Dwellers can acquire this weapon while exploring the wasteland, during quests, in lunchboxes, or crafting in a weapon workshop.

The crafting requires a high intelligence dweller, a legendary weapon recipe, 22,050 caps, and the following materials: 3 shovels, 3 military duct tapes, and 3 chemistry flasks.

5. Miss launcher

Miss launcher fallout

Average damage: 22.5

Out of all the launchers in Fallout Shelter, the Miss launcher deals the most damage to enemies. Therefore, if you need to clear many opponents within a short time, this is the ideal weapon. It’s fast and can fire up to 83 missiles when it’s in good shape.

Acquiring this weapon is the tricky part. You can find it while exploring the wasteland or in lunchboxes if you’re lucky. The surest option is to craft it in a weapon workshop. The crafting must be done by a high strength dweller using the following items: 4 microscopes, 3 gold watches, 2 military circuit boards, and 21,000 caps.

6. Lead belcher

a dweller carrying lead belcher weapon

Average damage: 21.5

The lead belcher is revered for its fast bullet release and ability to switch targets when a targeted enemy falls. As a result, you can rely on it to clear a large number of enemies. It’s even better when combined with weapons like MIRV.

You can search for it in the wasteland, in lunchboxes, or craft it in a weapons workshop with a high-strength dweller, 21,000 caps, and a legendary weapon recipe. The materials needed include 4 shovels, 3 gold watches, and 2 military duct tapes.

7. Technician’s revenge

Technician’s revenge

Average damage: 21.5

This weapon is a variant of the junk jet. It uses junk as bullets; hence it’s the most eco-friendly weapon in Fallout Shelter and one of the simplest on the list. You can use whatever junk that can be loaded on the Technician’s revenge. From scrap metal, toilet paper, old cans, you name it.

If you play the game long enough; your chances of getting this weapon increase significantly. Better still, you can use a high-strength dweller to craft it in a weapon workshop. You will need a legendary weapon recipe, 21,000 caps, 4 cameras, 3 military duct tapes, and 2 Giddyup Buttercup for the process to be successful.

8. Destabilizer

Destabilizer fallout

Average damage: 20

This weapon is the most powerful version of the Alien Blaster. It uses alien power to produce its ammunition, so you can expect it to destroy your enemies with every hit. The only challenge is that it has a legendary rarity. This means it will take some time before you acquire it—while exploring the wasteland, on quests, or in lunchboxes.

But, if you have an agility dweller, you can use them to craft the Destabilizer in a weapon workshop. Make sure you have 20,450 caps, 3 cameras, 3 military duct tapes, 2 chemistry flasks, and a legendary weapon recipe.

9. Virgil’s rifle

Virgil’s rifle fallout

Average damage: 22.5

This institute rifle packs enough power to cause 50% extra damage on super mutants. You can use it both inside and outside your vault.

Acquiring it is the toughest part:

  • You can kill a super-mutant scientist and get the weapon from him.
  • You could pickpocket Virgil using perks.
  • Lastly, you could use a high intelligence dweller to craft its complex design and features.

The crafting materials include 4 microscopes, 3 gold watches, 2 military circuits boards, 21,000 caps, and a legendary crafting recipe.

10. Mean Green Monster

Mean green monster Fallout shelter weapon

Average damage: 20

The Green Mean Monster is one of the best weapons in Fallout Shelter for a good reason. It is a legendary variant of the plasma rifle. It’s easily accessible compared to most of the other weapons on the list. Be on the lookout while exploring the wasteland and check lunchboxes too.

It can melt the enemy’s face off if a shot of the super-hot plasma touches their skin.

To craft it, you must get a perception dweller and equip them with 3 cameras, 3 chemistry flasks, 2 gold watches, 20,450 caps, and a legendary weapon recipe in a weapon workshop.

11. Relentless raider sword

Relentless raider sword fallout

Average damage: 22

This is another great melee weapon. Give it to a dweller and watch as they slice enemies into two during solo quests. You can back it up with a couple of long-range gunners to be safe.

To get it, you must explore the wasteland, participate in quests, check lunchboxes, or craft it in a weapon workshop. A high-strength dweller must do the crafting, and they need to use a legendary crafting recipe to combine 2 gold watches, 3 Giddyup Buttercup, 4 wonderglue, and 21,000 caps.

12. Railmaster

Railmaster fallout

Average damage: 15

How about using a nail gun as a weapon? Well, the Railmaster lets you fire rail spikes at your enemies. It uses compressed gas to create high pressure that shoots the spikes at an alarming speed. The firing is too intense that it produces locomotive sound. A single hit is more than enough to cripple your enemy.

The different ways to get this weapon to include:

  • Exploring the wasteland.
  • Taking part in quests.
  • Checking lunchboxes.
  • Crafting in a weapon workshop.

The crafting requires a perception dweller, and they must have 18,900caps, 2 military duct tapes, 2 Giddyup Buttercups, 3 Globes, and a legendary weapon recipe.

13. Burn master

Burn master fallout

Average damage: 19.5

This list of the best weapons in Fallout Shelter wouldn’t be complete without a good-old-fashioned flame thrower. It’s the perfect weapon to use when you want to incinerate your enemies in seconds. You simply point it towards a group of opponents and fire away.

You can find it while exploring the wasteland or checking lunchboxes. But, if you have a strength dweller, use them to craft your own Burn Master in a weapon workshop.

The crafting materials are 4 cameras, 2 chemistry flasks, 2 Giddyup Buttercup, 19,400 caps, and a legendary crafting recipe.

14. Charon’s shotgun

Charon’s shotgun


Average damage: 15.5

There are instances when a good shotgun is all you need to wade off enemies in Fallout Shelter. And, what better choice than the Charon’s shotgun? It’s a fully-automatic weapon that you can rely on while roaming the wasteland or inside the vault.

Dwellers can find it anywhere on the wasteland, in lunchboxes, or by crafting in a weapon workshop. The crafting must be done by a strength dweller using a legendary weapon recipe, 18,900caps, 3 shovels, 2 gold watches, and 2 military duct tapes.

15. Magnetron 4000

Magnetron 4000 fallout

Average damage: 18.5

This is the best variant of the Gauss rifle as far as the average damage goes. It helps dwellers destroy enemies by firing metal shards at very high speeds.

The weapon features electromagnetic induction that accelerates micro fusion cells to power it up. And, immediately the current passes through the barrel, the coil produces strong electromagnetic fields that lead to the fast ejection of metal shards.

You can find this weapon around the wasteland, in lunchboxes, or by crafting in a weapon workshop. The crafting process is as simple as equipping a perception dweller with a legendary weapon recipe, 19,950 caps, 4 chemistry flasks, 3 shovels, and 2 cameras. It doesn’t take long to get 1 Magnetron 4000.

16. Night vision institute rifle

Night vision institute rifle fallout

Average damage: 19.5

This variant of the institute rifle also came with the 1.4 updates. It delivers the third highest damage out of all the institute weapons. It’s a good addition to the dweller’s arsenal in case they fight in the dark.

The best way to get this weapon is to craft it in a weapon workshop. You need an intelligence dweller to execute the process. Give them 4 gold watches, 3 cameras, 2 microscopes, 19,950 caps, and a legendary weapon recipe.

17. Armor pircing minigun

Armor pircing minigun

Average damage: 21

The armor-piercing minigun is a powerful machine gun that features 6 rotating barrels. Even though its minimum damage per attack is the lowest for a powerful weapon, it does a good job terminating enemies. The 6 rotating barrels help to unleash several rounds of ammunition on enemies. The best part is piercing through some of the best armor in Fallout Shelter.

If the dwellers explore the wasteland long enough, they’re likely to find this weapon. Also, they can participate in quests, look in lunchboxes, or take a strength dweller to a weapon workshop and let them craft the weapon. The crafting requirements and materials include 20,450 caps, 3 gold watches, 3 shovels, 2 military duct tapes, and a legendary weapon recipe.

18. Overcharged plasma thrower

Overcharged plasma thrower Fallout Shelter weapon

Average damage: 24

The overcharged plasma thrower packs more damage than the original plasma thrower but falls a little short of the Dragon’s Maw’s. It’s a great boost when you need more power to destroy enemies.

Its appearance is distinct from other plasma thrower variants as it features lots of wires on the outside.

If you want this weapon, you should participate in quests or get a strength dweller to craft it in the weapon workshop. The crafting materials include 5 globes, 3 chemistry flasks, and 2 military circuit boards. Also, 21,500 caps and a legendary weapon recipe must be present.

19. Flaming Junk Jet

Flaming Junk Jet

Average damage: 20

While other junk jet weapons only fire junk at enemies, the flaming junk jet does one better and adds flames to the mix. As a result, it causes significant damage to a large group of enemies.

You need a strength welder, 20,450 caps, a legendary weapon recipe, 3 cameras, 3 military duct tapes, and 2 Giddyup Buttercup to craft this weapon.

20. Guided missile launcher

Guided missile launcher fallout

Average damage: 22

Wrapping up our list of the best weapons in Fallout Shelter is the powerful guided missile launcher. Its features include firing multiple missiles and rockets toward opponents and the ability to guide missiles towards specific areas to cause maximum damage with every attack.

A dweller can get the weapon when exploring the wasteland, participating in quests, or checking lunchboxes.

On the other hand, strength dwellers can craft this weapon in the weapon workshop using a legendary weapon recipe, 21,000 caps, 4 microscopes, 3 gold watches, and 2 military circuit boards.


What is the strongest weapon in Fallout Shelter?

Overall, the strongest weapon in Fallout Shelter would be the Dragon’s Maw. This is because of its consistency in causing the highest damage to enemies. Equipping one or two dwellers with this weapon gives you a considerable advantage in any battle.

What is the best armor in Fallout shelter?

In addition to the best weapons in Fallout Shelter, you need a great outfit to shield you from attacks in Fallout Shelter. Top of the list when it comes to the best armor is the War’s Armor. It’s both functional and looks good.


Now that you know the 20 best weapons in Fallout Shelter, you should pick the best combinations if you want to win every battle. Don’t give up when some weapons take a long time to get.

It’s part of the gameplay and offers a great challenge to gamers. If we’ve left out any weapon you think should be on the list, let us know in the comment section.